Man search for meaning (Review and my thoughts on the Book.)

General Summary: An individual's experience as a prisoner in a Nazi concentration camp is vividly described in Viktor Frankl's Man's Search for Meaning. In order to survive and get past traumatic situations, the book emphasises the power of love, hope, responsibility, inner freedom, and the beauty found in nature and art.

Anyone lacking purpose in life, who believes this is the end, and who has lost all hope should read this. A Classic Tribute to Hope, this book. During the Second World War, Viktor E. Frankl, a writer, was a prisoner at the Auschwitz concentration camp. He listed the most horrific incidents in human history. Author-psychiatrist Dr Frankl describes the event that led to his discovery of Logotherapy, a type of therapy he employs to treat his patients.
Man can only respond to life by being responsible since every scenario in life provides a challenge and a problem for him to address.

Frankl, Viktor E.
This book is divided into sections by the author.

A detention camp's experiences
Dr Frankl talked about a lot of his experiences as an Auschwitz prisoner. He spent approximately three years there. He studied the guards and inmates as well, noting that this was the most important stage of life and a struggle every day. He described the three stages of a prisoner's existence in a camp, starting with the beginning and ending with death. How people lose purpose in life, their bleak circumstances. Through his words, he occasionally offered them hope, but it wasn't always enough.

He described the daily activities of a concentration camp.
The labour and duties they were required to do their
food that is provided to the convicts.
How a person changed day by day on the inside and the outside.
harshness and inhumane treatment.
With the exception of all of them, the author is speaking of Hope.

Looking for Meaning
The main goal of the author in producing this book is to provide meaning to those who have lost something important in their lives. He makes several points about how one might do this in his book.
1. Existence itself
In this, he placed emphasis on responsibility. One never complains when he completely accepts responsibility for his life and job. He is now even more resilient and capable of handling any circumstance.
2. Love Meaning
Only through love can one truly understand another person at his or her core. Without love, no one can truly understand the fundamental soul of another person.
3. The nature of pain
When someone overcomes adversity and turns their personal tragedy into victory, they become strong as a result of their suffering in life. He sees significance in that situation. Sometimes it's necessary to endure even worse circumstances in order to gather the finest things in life.

I thoroughly enjoyed this book and would recommend all of you read it at least once in your lifetime.


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